Hady, a sensitive boy, finds solace in his mother’s world of fabrics, sketching dresses with boundless creativity. Struggling to find the perfect fabric for one of his creation, his world takes an unexpected turn when his father gifts him a rifle, attempting to define his masculinity. As Hady confronts his inner turmoil, a hunting trip becomes a transformative experience, revealing his fascination for birds. Using feathers collected during the hunt, he fashions the elusive dress, reconciling his passion with his authentic self. The film navigates identity, familial expectations, and the potent liberation of creative expression.
- Joe Mouannes Director
- Joe Mouannes Writer
- Joe Mouannes Producer
- Karim Al Hany Key Cast “Hady “
- Ibrahim Khalil Key Cast “Toufic “
- Diane Maatouk Key Cast “The mother “
Duration: 13 mins