“GLOBULINE’S GAME” is a 52-minute art house film, with English subtitles. Set against the backdrop of the nascent French dating websites in 2003, the narrative follows Globuline’s encounters with various men, culminating in the creation of the “Compass Game.”
Virginie Balabaud, under her alias Globuline introduces the innovative concept of the “Compass Game” to her suitors. This game entails embarking on directional journeys (north, south, etc.) with a companion, while engaging in playful activities using artistic tools from a backpack: paper, markers, white fabric, rubber bands, scissors, and more.
This metaphorical exploration of love transcends mere romantic encounters; it embodies movement, creation, and a utopian vision. Through her art, Globuline endeavors to reshape reality by harnessing the power of imagination.
Director Viginie Balabaud
Music Eugene Lledo
Editor Fabrice Radenac
Duration:54 mins