This is an experimental film based on “Aphorisms on Futurisms” a poem by Mina Loy. Painter and poet Mina Loy ( 1882- 1966) was a charter member of the generation that- beginning in 1912 with the founding of Poetry magazine- launched the modernist revolution in poetry in the United States. Mina Loy has been associated with most of the literary and artistic movements of the early 20th century: dadaism, surrealism, futurism, feminism, modernism and post-modernism. Loy, a writer known for her frank embrace of female sexuality and feminist politics, joined the futurist movement in 1913, but she quickly encountered conflict regarding the movement’s perception of women.
Eleonora Privitera Director
Eugenio Pizzorno Director
Kris Casey Writer
Eugenio Pizzorno Writer
Eleonora Privitera Writer
Eugenio Pizzorno Producer
Eleonora Privitera Producer
Kris Casey Key Cast
Eleonora Privitera Key Cast
Session Detail [tribe_tickets post_id=”12158″ ticket_id=”12159″]