This is one of the chants that Sicilian People used to sing in the farm during the year of 1800, and the rhythm was from the tools they used during the cultivation, including the bells sounds come from the bells that the donkey wears.
Palummedda in Sicilian dialect means Dove, back in the year 1700 the royal families used to have a Dove, a symbol of power and freedom, so a dove can be also easily called also as The Daughter of the Emperor, and who ever meet a Dove down the street it can be considered to have had a lucky day.
The video clip is the story of a DJ in New York, he woke up in the morning after having a dream about his Sicilian roots.

  • Raffaele Sciacca Director
  • Raffaele Sciacca Writer
  • Raffaele Sciacca Producer
  • Michela Musolino Key Cast “Sicilian Famrer lady”
  • Raffaele Sciacca Key Cast “Farm Carriage Driver”

Duration: 4 mins: 26 sec

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