In “Slumber Party,” two novice criminals, Ilya and Alexei, are sent by their mentor, Nikolai, to steal from a gangster’s mansion. To their shock, they stumble upon a tweenage slumber party hosted by the gangster’s daughter, Oxana. As they attempt the heist, Oxana and her friends foil their plans with deadly force. Disappointed but unfazed, Nikolai abandons his protegés, leaving them to their grim fate in a house filled with danger and secrets.
Sebastian Kim Director
Sebastian Kim Writer
Oceanna Pak Writer
Alec Van de Bovenkamp Producer
Sebastian Kim Producer
Tom O’Keefe Key Cast “Nikolai ” American Horror Story (Upcoming Season), The Blacklist, FBI: Most Wanted, Emergence
Adriana Zajac Key Cast “Oxana”
Sebastian Kim Key Cast “Ilya”
Shaha Mag Key Cast “Alexei”
Company 3 Color Artist
DuoTone Audio Group Post Production Sound
Brian Deming Composer
Peter Nashel ComposerI, Tonya, Book Club, The Undoing
Duration: 8 mins