We live in a digital world. But we’re fairly analog creatures. Aurelio, a young man from Guatemala, sets out for the promised land. On the roof of La Bestia, a Mexican freight train, he wants to reach the U.S. southern border and cross illegally. The image of a society in which everyone seems to be doing well has reached him via digital communication. His smartphone becomes an indispensable travel companion. It is the means of communication with his smuggler, family album and flashlight-his only connection to his old life.
- Alan Rexroth Director
- Alan Rexroth Producer
- Louden Aurelio Reyes Key Cast “Aurelio”
- Alan Rexroth Camera
- Jimena Cuaron Camera
- Nadir Mansouri as Colorist
- Jordan Jaacks Crew
- Zach Heiland Crew
- Jordan Jaacks Music
- Jool Music
- Alan Rexroth Editor
Duration:30 mins