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Documentary 2
June 5, 2024 @ 7:10 pm - 8:40 pm
wednesday June 5, 2024 |
7:10pm EST. NYC |
Theater 2 |
1hr:50min |
Film List
They guard art. They make art. No one spends more time around the world’s most famous artwork than the security guards that protect them.
Skate Night #
Skate Night is a documentary film about freedom told through a unique community of inline skaters as they explore New York City on wheels.
The Community Gardens of New York
Without public space access to democracy goes out the door. Yet, around the world, public spaces are under siege. The Community Gardens of New York is a story about democracy from below, as regular people fight for sustainable green urban space in the largest city in the United States.
The Only Girl in The Orchestra
87-year-old Orin O’Brien never wanted the spotlight, but by being the first woman hired to the New York Philharmonic, it was inevitable. Now, in her retirement, she insists that her students and colleagues not make a fuss.